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Development Services

Middletown Block 202 Card 2

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 202 CARD 2.tif:,J-C:"-/-.--~"""_,.==---------?on- '-\~-:7'.':;:..,.....,:.- MIDDLE.'l'OWN Por Lot 8 & Lot 9- Permit to R. Eugene & Marion H. Huffman to (C-5164) constr carport \,/ 18 110" x 20' obs setback of l' where 2 18" req; & (C-5165) constr 38o sq ft carport obs l' setback & l' side yd where 5' side yd is req; at 1907 W Calif. St betw Stone & Henry Sts; Zone R-1. Case Nos. 5164 & 5165 9-7-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 4-5- Permit to Eugene & Marion Huffman to constr a 13-unit apt bldg obs an 8 1 front yard, balcony above to obs a 4 1 front yard, stairs above to obs a O' front yard and gar to obs a O' front yard wnere 15' is req in tne 1900 Blk of San Diego Ave. betw Noell and Wrignt Sts. Zone R-4. C-10606 7-23-n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 4-5- Tile Assist. Z.A. nas considered the reqof Robert E. and Marion H, Huffman to constr 10 unit apt bldg (1) obs 4 1 bldg SB on San Diego Ave. where 15' is req (2) SB on parking where 15' is req (3) no landscaping wb.ere 401, front yard is;r,eq (4) 92'drivewey where max 25' is perm (5) no on-street parking where two are req (6) ten tandem spaces where safe and efficient ingress and egress is req, ten legal spaces with safe ingress! egress total of 15 spaces req (7) cover 61~ of lot where 501, is perm, at 1912 San Diego Ave betw Ubterstate 5 and California. zone R-4, and bas (1) APPROVED (2) DENIED (3) APPROVED approx 301, landscaping (4) DENIED (5) DENIED (6) DENIED (7) DENIED subject to conditions. c-11649 5-10-73 Appealed- BZA GRANTED appeal and tne decision of the Asst. Z,A. is overruled and modified and the appellant's appeal is in part sustained. c-11649 7-11-73 ~ /(_ I/- J~