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Development Services

Middletown Block 203 & 204

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 203 & 204.tif MI:pDLEl'O'WN BLOCKS 203 and 204 Lot 6, Block 204- all Blk 203 Lots l to 12- Block 8- Erect & operate 5 single fa.m res in Zone R-1 w/setback of 15' on both Henry & California Sta; Permit to C.A. Baldwin, 8529 W. 3rd St, Los Angeles. Res. 68787 1-24-39------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 2, 3, 4- Permit to Peter & Meta T. Potter to constr res w/6 1 6" rear yd, E side of Calif, St, So of Wright St. Res. 2814 1-28-48------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------- Lots 2, 3, 4- Ext of 6 mths on Res. 2814 (ABOVE) granted to Peter & Meta T. Potter. Res. 3285 7-14-48 Portion of Fractional Block 203-AZA APPROVED request of ADRIAN AND MARCUS DAY to construct a 15 1-011 high retaining wall within the street side yard where a maximum 9'-0" high retain- ing wall is permitted at3806 Henry Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-21111 8-27-93