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Development Services

Middletown Block 226

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 226.tif MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 226 Lot 8- Permit to O'Shea & Ethel Hammons to constr 2 fam res on said lot, Calif. St, 50' NWly of Couts, according to plans submitted. Res. 3051 4-21-48 Lot 8- Ext of 6 mos on Res 3051 ABOVE to O'Shea & Ethel Hammons. Res. 3454 10-6-48 Lot 8- Ext of 6 mos on Res 3454 which ext Res 3051 ABOVE to O'Shea & Ethel Hammons. Res. 3852 5-4-49 Lot 8- Permit to Clarence H. Sherman to constr duplex; 2161 W. C,tlif. St; Zone R-1; Condl. Case 3219 3-25-6o 6 mos. ext. to expire 4-8-61 Case 3219 9-22-6o------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------