Middletown Block 240
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 240.tif MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 240 00:Q 1,-.S Permit to Frances Linda & R. W. Little to erect wall & bldg not closer than 12 1 611 to PL on Pacific Hiway; Condl. Res. 65032 10-13-36 Permit Willi Strobel to do certain constr work closer to Pacific Hiway than perm by Ord. 401 N.S., provid it does not jeopardize agreement w/previous owner under Res. 65032. Res. 69215 4-25-39 Lot 4- Ord. 4ol N.S. suspended to allow portable bldg tow/in 12 1 611 of PL on Pacific Hiway provided owner moves bldg when so req by City, at his own expense._______________________________________________________ Res._69599_____ 7-5-39_____________ Lots 5 & 6- Elec sign to PL, 1910 W Atlantic St- DENIED R. W. Little. 2-19-34 Lot 3- Poultry house in M-1, 12990, submitted by Delbert P. Guy- 10-29-36- WITHDRAWN----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Clifford v. Pool, Owner, & S.D. Machinists' Bldg Assoc td erect sign on exist bldg which bas 12 1611 SB, sign to ext w/in 6" of front PL, 3911 Pacific Hiway. Res. 2524 9-24-47----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- R. s. Little Agreement 58 6-29-39-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------