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Development Services

Middletown Block 26

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 26.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 26 Lot 2- Permit DENIED to Edward Felt to operate a 2-unit trailer park; 1549 India St. Res. 235 2-17-43 Lot 2- Permit DENIED to Edward Felt, Res. of Property Use, to operate a 2-unit trailer park; 1549 India St. Res. 236 2-17-43 Permit granted to Mrs. Wm. Thormahlen to operate existing auto camp at 1549 India St. Res. 57242 9-21-31----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Lot 3- Classification of Use- H.F. Laurence; 1541 India St, Zone "C"; for!1!6:._s!~e~~~~: ~&_f~!!~~~:=--------,-1un-"----=-1-------~~~:.-!!Qg72__________!:gg:2~------ '1"...JL:'-lf ;l..-- <- 7 /-,;,, 5- ";;:i_ Lots 7, &- ermi t to o.. uys n to de elop and operate as automobile 1mpound yd; 506 W. Beech St, ~etw NW cor Be~ch St & Columbia St, Zone "C"; Condl.. ~--4 3- f 81 Cil-..~ "-~~,:....c/~-/4-G-~;,;-.;;?-5/ < 7-t 7iJ) C.U.P. 7739_ 6-27-~ i' ~~-:_7:!g:~------~-~:._;~:._:_!Q:!:7~J2:!g:~2i.Jh(/;_ti_f~::./::.J'..:i~,U.-;.Z,,Y.,":::_:'!fc.fa'f:_::s) Lots 21- 24- Permit to Geo. M. and Mary H. Bidwell to constr maid's qtrs over garage w/kitchen, on above described property. Agreement 625 12-23-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots l & 2- Permit to Margaret E. Prentice to constr 2nd floor addn to exist sin fam res witll bar sink in familY room at 1994 Titus. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1771 6-1-72 c16698 4/21/80