Middletown Block 284 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 284 CARD 1.tif Mt,f> bLE'.,OWN Block 284 a:::io.')(J~-5,,., Card No. 1. Lot-S;- Fred A. &. Marlon Vl.nyard- to erect new bldg for enlt1rgement &. continuation of-...... llOl+--COnform door mfg bus, 1905 Pac Hwy Res_ 1269 1/3/46 Lot 4- Wm. R. Coxon- classlflca tlon of custom cabinet shop & hobby shop as C Zone use at 1917 Pac Hwy Res. 88062 1 / l 3/48 Lots 5 & 6- Fred A Vinyard to make repairs & addns to exist bldg & erect 3' x 65 1 sign v beyond setback- to remove at own expense If & when requested by City, 1905 Pac Hwy AGREE #762 Res. 6463 5/14/52 Lots l,2,3- Milton Moss & Bayview Travelodge to erect sign at SE cor Grape & Pac Hwy, C Zone, to proj 5' over public prop- Cond Res 8859 4/13/55,.,,lots 7,8,9, DENIED to John W. percival, Dr. Chester 0. Tanner & Sidney G. Evans, own & Oscars, Inc., les to constr sign with O' SB from front prop lln, 1825 Pac Hwy, Zone C Res 8978 6/8/55 APPEAL- ABOVE- qranted by Council I Bd. of Z. A. overruled CC 127178 6/30/55 Lots 4,5,6, 26, 27,- E. K. Nelson to erect one 116 sq. ft., back~llghted, non-flash, 30' hi ID pole sign w/pole encroach 5' & edge of sign encroach 6 1 Into estab 6 1 SB, overhang public prop 5' (amended 5/12/66 by appl leant) at 19TI9 Pacific Coast Hwy betw Grape & Fir, Zone C C-7711 6/3/66 ABOVE AMENDED- 6/8/66 1 Cond AGREE #1433 7/20/66 Lots 4,5,6,26,27- E. Kemper Nelson to erect approx 79' of 6 1 hi grape stake fence on top of exist retain wall ranging in ht from 4 1 So 7', total ht from 10' to 17' along Sly prop line (6 1 hi perm), 1919 Pac Coast Hwy betw Grape & Fir, Zone C- Cond C-7770 (N.H.) 6/22/66 Lots 7,8,9- John W. Percival, Chester D. Tanner, Sidney G. Evans, own; Oscars, Inc., les /to cons tr sign w/0' SB (6' reg) AGREE #849 ' l 27?~ Cc-/.,:? 7 / 7,/' 6/30/55 Lots l,2,3- Milton Moss & Bayview Travelodge- to erect sign project 5' over public prop, per plans AGREE 836 Res. 8859 4/13/56