Middletown Block 288 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 288 CARD 1.tif 1-HOOI.E-TOWN 81 ock 288 L-0-ts--1- 12- Texas Co. to e.rec t ll ght standards to prop 1 I ne on Pac Hwy Res 69855 Card #1~ 8/29/39 Lot 4- T. Gordon Shaw & Thomas H. Shaw, own; Anthony Calabrese, Jes- to constr add to exist 7/27/45 oldg w/2' SB, 1533-35 Pac Hwy Res 1031 Lots 5,6- J. W. Percival DENIED to erect sign & light.post w/0 1 SB from Pac Hwy, 1505 Pac 4/25/46, 5/8/46 Hwy Res 1510, 1511 lots 5,6- Travelodge Corp to erect elec sign w/2' SB at Pac Hwy & Beech Lots 3 & 4- DENIED to Anthony & Josephine_floor above restaurant w/0 1 sldeyd at 1533 APPEALED to CC- ZC overruled Res 4451 2/20/50 Calabrese to constr storage rm & lounge rm, 2nd Pac Hwy Res 5553 5/16/51 CC Res 192587 6/7/51 Lot 3- Anthony & Josephine Calabrese to_Hwy, & permit flower box & pylon to proj APPEALED to CC- ZC sustained constr add to exist cafe & bar w/5' SB, 1533 Pac. Into SB-Cond Res. 5554 5/16/51 CC Res 102587 6/7/51 Lots 1 2- The Texas Co. AGREE #62 8/16/39 Lot 4- Gordon & Thomas Shaw & Anthony Calabrese--suspens Ion AGREE #375 constr add w/2' SB & apply for SB 7/27/45 erect steel posts connected by chain 3' 5/8/46 Lots 5,6- A.L. Hart, Jes; John W. Percival, own- hi, O' SB & apply for SB suspens Ion AGREE #1-15 Lots 5,6- H. J. Cupples, Secy Travelodge Corp- to 13' w/2' SB AGREE #637 erect &/or maintain elec sign 6 1-611 x 2/3/50 Lot 7- Joe Aleto to add comm bldg to frnt of exist sing fam res Res 5836 ABOVE- Amend to permit lean-to to remain_lots 3,4- Anthony & Josephine Calabrese- SB area, 1533 Pac Hwy Res 5971 constr sign on tower AGREE, /1845 of cafe, 9/5/51 10/31/51 rep I ace ex Is t In 6/22 I 55