Middletown Block 296
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 296.tif MIDDLETOWN Block No. 296. A, T-. s.. S-anta Fe.RR- to.const.r. l 2-r-00m concrete bldg w/511 wal 1 & iron roof Res 38442 N 100' of W 100'- to At & Santa Fe to erect 6.-un It auto court at 1200 Pac Res 460 ABOVE- dec1ated null & void Res 484 7/12/26 Hwy 12/2/43 12/17/43 Portion of Block 296 & 299- Pennission granted to catellus ~elopoont, Co:rp/OWner to construct a Coastal Developrent located on the no~ co:i;ner of Broadway and Pacific Highway in dcMntc:Mn San Diego. ~ 0 ~ ~ CDP #91-0896 1/16/92