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Development Services

Middletown Block 31

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 31.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 31 Lot 3- Permit to Joe Marino to convert a store at 1645 India St. into.apt with no side yard. Res. 362 7/29/43 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Ber it & Thomas Durler at 2166 Linwood St., Zone R-1-5, to constr a SFD on Lots 5 & 6, with access to reqd parking over nonrevocable easement on Lots 7_& 8, 15 & 16, and portion of Courts St. closed adjacent. Condit. l\.JY'i""\..,f..,.J;'J..-0-X_,d 3-~ 1f-f;;__ B.L,n.J).. \~f.D.-)...).-iei e.,1 r,1+"'__.c:1016,9__,\7118/79___n____ f;..hJ_____ 3._________ l.-~'1.:.-cr~-..9...-}fl.:._l;...lJ.::_~~-l-L ~ i;;,__ 1:i,,,___________