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Middletown Block 35 & 36 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 35 & 36 CARD 1.tif MIDm..ETOWN BLOCK 35 & 36 Lots 1. thru 4 & 1.0 thru 1.2, Blk 35, a.nd all Blk 36- Permit to S. D. Unified School. District to constr new el.ementary school bl.dgs observ 4' setback from State St (15' set- back req on State); E side State St betw Date & Fir Sts; Zone R-4; Condl. Case 3856 2-1.7-61. 6 mos. Ext. to expire 3-10-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit to MR. ROYE. WATKINS, the owner of Sheffield Platers, that a silver and gold plating establishment proposed to be located within the C zone, at the northeast corner of State and Date Streets. RESOLUTION #175557 5-7-63