Middletown Block 39 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 39 CARD 2.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 39 7~ Lots 1. & 2 Hirschy.- Suspension of R-4 (Ord. 8924) to all.ow 2 res w/1.0' rear yd- Cecil.e (Minutes) 8-22-35------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 4- Fermi t to Italo Vattuone to cons tr addn to exist res; addn to be used commly & to observe O' side yd; 1745 Kettner Bl.vd, Zone M-1.. Res. 91.31. 8-31.-55 Lots 1.5 & 16- Penni t to Howard Parker, Owner, & Washing Machine Parts Co., Inc., Lessee, to constr bl.dg for retail. & whol.esale sales wash machine parts; SW corner India and Fir Street, Zone "C"; Condl. Case 3627 10-21.-6o (6 mos. Ext. to exp. 1.0-28-61.) / Lots 11 & 12- Permit DENIED to Mode Dev. Co. to constr a 10-unit, two-story apt-bldg.- (obs 4 1 front yard on Linwood St where 15' is req, 61 rear yard, where 10' is req and resulting in 77'1, lot coverage, wnere 6Cf1, is perm; at 1752 Linwood St betw Pringle and \. ~=~:=~-~~~==:~-=~-:~=-~=~-~~~=-------------------------:=:~:::---------_: =:=~-------- Lots 9 & 10- DARRELL CARLSON request to construct (1) a 405 sq. ft. attached second story deck with 4'-0" high parapet wall observing a 2'-10" interior side yard where a 4'-0" interior side yard is required and (2) 22'-6" of 12'-0" high retaining wall observing a 2'-0" interior side yard and 2'-0" of 12'-0" high retaining wall observing a O'-O" interior side yard where maximum 6'-0" high continuous retaining wall is permitted within the required interior side yard. Map 0384,, located at 1762 Linwood Street, Zone R-1000 APPROVED C-19464 3/9/87