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Development Services

Middletown Block 45

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 45.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 45 0,~-.$ "'.s Lot 10- Permit to Sylvester M. & Frances Nanna to operate part-time job printing bus in ' basement of res; 1944 Union St; Cond1; Zone R-4. Res. 5408 3-21-51---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Andrew & Arestea Georggin, OWer, & June Charron, Lessee, to maintain mfg & whl.esle bus (plastic material); 1957 State; Cond1. Res. 7623 8-5-53---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Permit to Sylvester & Frances Nanna to operate f'u11-time job printing bus & mfg sale of rubber stamps in basement; 1944 Union; Cond1. Res. 9254 l0-26-55