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Development Services

Middletown Block 49

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 49.tif MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 49- 9 Lot 7- Permit to Grace Rood Jacques to maintain zero side yd for exist bldg; NW corner State & Grape Sts; & rescind agreement req maintaining of Lots 7 & 8 into l parcel. Res. 9059 7-20-55 Lots 7 & 8- Agreement #522- Grace Rood Jacques to constr apt house on Lot 7 w/no side yd adj to Lot 8. Res. 9059 2-9-48 I.Dt 7- ZA APPROVED the request of EALFS GIFT TRUST- RODNEY R. FALES, TRUSTEE, Cl'INER, GENERAL ELECI'RIC INFORMATION SERVICF.s