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Development Services

Middletown Block 50

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 50.tif.,,yr. MIDDLETOWN 000.:u.t(? s BLOCK 50 Lot 11- Residence setback 4 1 on Columbia St; Granted to Jack Buono, by J, E. Cliff. Res, 50143 5-20-29 Lot 11- Residence set back 15' on Columbia St; Granted to Sanford & Diedricksen, by A. Diedricksen. Res. 5016o 5-20-29 Lots 5. 6, 7- Rowe Service Company, 727 3rd Ave, NW corner Grape & Columbia Sts, for servicing & repairing of vending machines & for storage & distribution of cigarettes. Res. 82737 3-12-46 Lots 9-1.2 Owners, to side yd is- Permit to Ray L. Huffman, Purchaser, & Roscoe P, & Isabel Tompkins, constr 9-unit apt bldg observing O' st side yd along Keating where 10' st req; NEly corner of Guy & Keating Sta; Zone R-4. Case 6872 See Middletown Addition 12-29-64 1 yr Ext to exp 6-28-66 (7-9-65) 1 yr Ext 6-27-67 7-3-68- Exp.- Constr completed- No Ext.-----------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------Lot 6 (Par 1- R,0,S, 6041)- Permit to Joseph & Rosa Scafidi to erect 130' of retain wall 5 1 in ht on p.l. along Union & w. Upas Sts., where walls or fences not exceeding 3 1 in ht are perm in req 20' estab SB on Union St. & 15' estab SB on Upas St.,at 1350 w. Upas St., betw Union St. & Horton Ave., Zone R-1-5, C-9433 N.H. Lots 21, 22, 23 &24- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FRANK M. STRANG to constr. room addition to studio unit of an existing 4-unit building; addition to existing gara9e and observe 11 front yard where 15 1 is required (existing 11 front yard), at 3670 Keating St. Zone R-3 CJ6703 7-28-69 of living be over garage observes sa 1so