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Middletown Block 51 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 51 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 51 Lot lO- Permit DENIED Anthony Baldan to constr 1-unit apt as addn to 2-units under constr above exist store bldg & exist 58" access ct- 2036 India. Res. 4301 ll-30-49 Lot 10- Fermi t to Anthony Baldan to build 3rd 11 v unit above exist store bldg; access 1 by way of int hall; 2036 India. Res. 4356 12-28-49! (7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SWly Lots 9 thru 12- Permit to Robert & Mary Nell Bohler to constr sing fam res, to observe 12' setback on Pringle & 15' setback on Guy, w/10' setback on Guy for balcony; NWly corner Pringle & Guy. Res. 7670 8-19-53----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWly Lots 9 thru 12- 6 mos ext to R. A. & Mary Bohler- ABOVE. Res. 8o56 3-3-54 /----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Mrs. Bernice Stallboris to conv por of exist garages into apt, making 4th unit; new unit to obs 5' rear yd w/3' access for l unit; 2 off-st park to be provided; 1826 Guy St. Res. 864o 12-8-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWly 50' Lots 21, 22, 23, 24 & NEl.y 25' Lots 9, 10, ll & 12- Agreement #547 to John M. Cranston & Pearl K. Cranston to convert an exist garage which has no side yd on SW side, into bedrms, bath & rec rm, said garage being located on SWly 50' of Lots 21-24, & to constr new garage on NEly 25' of Lots 9 to 12; have applied for variance under Application #6354, dated 8-11-48. Res. 334o 8-17-48-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------