Middletown Block 52 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 52 CARD 1.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 52 Ely,38.31 1 of Jot 1, all of lots 2 & n bldg with no sideyd for 22 1 of the apt. Res. No. 2415 Card //1 /.:j- He1mer Eden to erect ~n apt. on 2nd floor is exist 2056 Kettner Blvd. subj to approval of Bldg. Dept 7/30/47 E 38.31 1 of lot 1, E 75 1 of lot 2 and all of lot 11- Helbner Eden & Ida E. Eden to const an apt on second floor of existing building adj to lot line. AGREEMENT #473 7/21/47 7 NifET TJ y:;-'Ji":J'R2~07f-L,:o::--;t~s7 J-;;3::-_n, gr:_::--;:;p-::-e:::rm:-;-:;i t:--:::t=-o-M~a:-r:-y----;:F,-.--;:-Sw_e_d;-;J--:i-u_s_a_t---::3~9-:-4-:-J ~C,..,l,-a_r.,..k-St-.-,-Z-o-ne_R___ l-5 to constr deck, laundry and bath addit to exist sin fam dwell deck to obs 5 1 fr yd on Puterbaug~ St,, and to install I pkg sp to obs at cl pt a 01 fr yd on Clark St. & Puterbaugh St. Cond It. c-15845 4/5/79----------------~--------------------------------------------------- Lots 13-18- Permission granted to Inez Davis and Elmer D. Warnes, owners, to divide into two parcels and erect a single family residence on each parcel, southerly corner Clark and Puterbaugh, R-1 zone; on condition that a 15' setback is observed on both Clark and Puterbaugh. A variance to the provisions of Ordinance #12990 be, and is hereby granted as to the particulars stated above, insofar as they relate to the pr~perty described above. Resolution #7272 3-18-53