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Development Services

Middletown Block 67

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 67.tif MIDDLm'OWN BLOCK 67 Erect second res, 3.5 side yd, 3.5 rear yd, 39.11, coverage; Permit to'J. A. Neill; 2314 Columbia St. Res. 64458 6-2-36-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Lot 7- Permit to Pasquale Lococo to repair & make alterations to res at 2312 Columbia St; 3' from another res. Res. 664 7-20-44----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permission to Price & Borton to use property at 2315 India St as sal.l sheet metal shop. Res. 848o4 12-31-46----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Permit to Giovonni Lococo to constr single fam res above 2-car garage & store room w/5 1 rear yd; 2348 Columbia. Res. 7550 7-8-53-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 9- Hillside Review Permit to' Brenda Mason for bathrm addn at 1440 Putterbaugh 303- HR f" 6-11-76 L~t 9- Permit to Brenda H. Mason to const a 5'x24 1 bath addn to an exs sfd; addn to obs 51 rear yd at 1440 Puterbaugh Street. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14497. 8-24-77,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9 (See also Lot II, Block 5, Marine View)- Brenda Mason, 1440 Puterbaugh Street, Zone R~l-5. c-13738. TABLED 7-13-78. The-ZA-}> as APPROVED the-reqnest-of CLARKE-AND JANICE-Ifralv to-cor:vert------- exi~tina aarage to living area and relocate two r,quired off 7st:eet oarkinq soases on the east side of a property beh1,nd +-ho requ1reo, J 5 -0" front yard- at 1515 Torrance:Street\ zone Rl-5000. Cor,di ti ohs C-18673?!15135