Middletown Block 78 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 78 CARD 1.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 78 CARD /fl Iii Lots 7 & 8- Permit to J.S.,A.C., & J.D. Kaufman to construct a 4-story, 5-unit condominium building with (I) garage to observe a 0 1 interior yard where 10 1 is required; (2) 18 1 rear yard where 21 1 is required; (3) observe a 0 1 front yard where 15' is required; (4) to provide access to parking from Neale Street (vacated) where direct access to parking shall be from a dedicated public right-of-way; (5) to provide O sq. ft. of landscaping where 4 percent or 300 sq. ft. is required; and (6) construct 15 1 of 7' high retaining wall observing a 0 1 front yard and 0 1 Interior side yard where a maximum 3 1 high wall is permitted and requires 15' front and 10 1 interi2r yard, at the north side of Neale Street between Pringle and Keating Streets, in the R-3 zone. C-16985 VARIANCE UNNECESSARY- CLOSED Lot 13-16 (Southwestern portion)- Agreeement with Joel Mack & Barbara Borden to construct first floor family room addition with interior and exterior access; second master bedroom with full bath with interior access only at 3817 Pringle, Rl-5000 zone. Case #A4607 4/7/90------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------