Middletown Block 82 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 82 CARD 2.tif I/ MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 82 Card,#2.3~ Lots 7 & 8- Asst considered appl of Everett C, Mehner to constr 1165 sq ft detached gar & workshop addn below grade on lot w/exist six unit apt; addn to obs O' street side yd where 10' is req & to obs a O' rear yd where 10' is req at 2502-12 Horton St betw Maple St & Laurel St, Zone R-4 and has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED a 15' x 45' addn to obs O' rear yd & O' street side yd, per plans on file, condl C-10002 7-29-70-west half of Lots 1 & 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Roy Miller to maintain approx. 20' of 6 1 high retaining wall observing at the closest point a 0 1 front yard on Union St. where max. 3 1 high wall is permitted in required 15 1 front yard, (cond) at 625 W. Maple St. zone R-3 Cl6808 6/10/80