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Development Services

Middletown Block 95 Card 3

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 95 CARD 3.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 95' Lots 5,6 & 7- ZA APPROVED request of OLIVER MC MILLIAN, INC. to constr a duplex on each lot, I) observing from O' to 4' front yd where 15' is reqd; 2) observing at closest point a 4' interior side yd where 10' & 13' is reqd; 3)providing no landscaping in the reqd 15' front yd where a min. 40% of the total front yd is reqd to be landscaped; 4) a distance of 21' between driveways on the premises where one 20' on street parkingspace is reqd for each 50' of frontage of the premises; & 5) with walls and fences varying from 6 1 to 20 1 high where a max. 3'& 6 1 wall or fence is permitted at 2715-25 State Street, Zone R-1500, Hillside Review Overlay Zone, subj to condns. (HR Permit 381-ZA) C-18349 6/15/84 Lot 5- Pennission is granted to Owner/Pennittee to construct a single-family residence, located on State Street, between Nut:rreg and Olive Streets, R-1-20000 zone HR 91-0322 1/22/92 Lot 6- Pennission is granted to CMner/Pennittee to construct a single-family residence, located on State Street between Nut:rreg and Olive Streets in the R-1-20000 Zone. HR 91-0321 1/22/92 Lot 7- Pennission is granted to CMner/Pennittee to construct a single-family residence, located on State Street between Nut:rreg and Olive Streets, R-1-20000 Zone.,J HR 91-0320 1/22/92