Middletown Block 96
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 96.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 96 OOC:/).'-/fo-.5 Lots l. to 5 (Incl.usive)- Permit DENIED to Union Titl.e Ins. & Tr. Co. to erect 2 stan poster panel.a in 2700 Bl.k Reynard Way. Res. l.J.06 9-27-45 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Geo. H. & Josephine L. Hoffman to constr res w/5' setback on v Union St & 5' setback on Reynard Way; Reynard Way & 01.ive St. Res. 6858 10-1-52,/ Lots 1-5- Permit to John Correia to excavate & remove 6800 cu yd or soil, & constr apt bldgs w/5' setback on Reynard Way & 10' setback on Union, corner Reynard Way, Union & Olive; Zone R-4; Condl. Cases 1418 & 1419 9-20-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / Lots 1-5- 6 mos. Ext. to Cases 1418 & 1419 ABOVE; corner Reynard Way, Union & Olive; John Correia. 3-28-58,/ Lots 1-5- 2nd 6 mos Ext to Case 1419 ABOVE; John Correia- to permit constr of apt bldgs w/1.0' setback on Union St & 5' setback on Reynard Way; Condl. 9-12-58-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------