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Development Services

Midway Estates # 1

MIDWAY ESTATES # 1.tif MIDWAY ESTATES NO. l Lot 2- Permit to Howard M. Merritt, Owner, & Calif. Instruments Corp., Lessee, to operate electronics mfg & assembly plant w/2 employees now, planned expansion of 4o employees & 25 HP; Wly corner Midway Dr & Forhman St; Zone "C" and CP; Condl. Case 4325 8-18-61.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMEND to include sub-lessee, Azonic Research & Engineering, for research & assembly of component parts for small electronic instruments & test equipment; 4 employees now, to max of 15, light machine tools, etc.- To expire 8-25-64. Condl ext to 8-25-67 Case 4325 9-26-61. 3 yr ext to exp 8-25-70- (8-10-67)..eut;lo c1-o2s-?1 (?-