Mira Mesa #1 Card 3
MIRA MESA #1 CARD 3.tif MIRA MESA #1 Lot 11- Permit to Somerset Land Co., owner, Al Wylie's Asso., lessee, to erect & main for a period of 1 yr a double-face free-standing, non-illuminated 3' x 5' overall ht JO' subdiv dir sign to direct potential home buyers to "Valley Crest Homes" located on Menkar Rd approx 1 2/3 miles to the north, sign to obs O' property line SB at N/E corn Mira Mesa Blvd., & Westonhill Dr, Zone R-4. CONDITIONAL C-13,715 7-26-76 Lots 11-21 situated No.side Mira Mesa Blvd betw Westonhill &-reenford Dr.-R-4 zone APPROVED with Conditions- Construct unit apt. house on 9 lotsjroviding.8 spaces parking off alley 8 1 411 wide where 8 1 611 re d & eliminate 6 1 fence- s,.,,,-~ r./J.,/c...,.,C.-1-r/, a.,,.,, ~ /o-..i/-77 ~ /-//-78 Case No. 14016 11-24- 6 Lot 22- Permit to George L. and Jasmine A. Porter to const 8 unit apartment bldg and to provide 1 O req. pki ng spaces, 5 to observe I I ' setback on G reenford Dr. where 15 1 is estab and to erect 46' of 6 1 high solid fence to obs 10 1 611 sb on Greenford Dr. where 15' ls established at 8875 Mira Mesa Blvd. Zone R-4. C-14050. 12-22-76.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 69- Permit to Mrs. Sarala K. Shah to use property for a school with a max of 15 children, ages 2-7, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a,m. to 6: p.m. at 8757 Stanwell Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14202. 6-6-77, BZA sustains ZA's decision. 8-12-77,-4u-.,.,..,,t ~ ~ 0 c~ <- <-.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-l-7_?L----------