Mira Mesa #15 Card 1
MIRA MESA #15 CARD 1.tif MIRA MESA VERJm #15 Lot 2229- Permit to John Robert and Kathryn Gale Voris to constr 16 1 x 42' bedroom, bath & family room. addition to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs at closest point a 16 1 rear yard where 20 1 is req, at 10945 Westmore ct. betw Wes toore Road and cul-de-sac, Zilne R-1-5. C-12614 N.H. 5-7-74 Lot 2131- Permit to Thomas & Elna Murphy to constr 15' x 20' bednn & bath addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 16'4" rearyd where 20' req DENIED but APPROVED 13' x 20' bedrm & bath addn obs 18' rearyd, 10966 Westmore Circle, Zone R-1-5, cond'l C-13369 N.H. 10-29-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2043- Permit to Charles D. & Miriam B. Keeton to const a 16'x20' den addn to a sfd to obs 17' rear yd at 8180 Valdosta Avenue. R-1-5 Zone. C-14359 NH. 5-3-77,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2162,- Permit to John M. & Catherine Wheeler to const a 14'x20.5' addn to exs sfd to obs a 16 1 rear yard and to res in 43% coverage at 8091 Valdosta Avenue. Zone R-1-5, Condition. C-15504 NH. 10-5-78. Lot 2161- Permit to Patrick F. & Mary E. Duffy to const a 23'x16'2" family room addn to exs sfd; addn to obs a 17' rear yard at closest point. Condition. C-15670 NH. 12-8-78. Zone R-1-5. 8111 Valdosta Avenue. Lot-2165-:-AGR-E.EM-Et,ii---t~-w-iii-i~~-B.-~--F-r-a-;,~-e-s--E~--C-ROW-E-LL--t~--i-;,-s~-a-l-l--a--b~-r--s-i-;,-k--i-;,-~-~~-r-k_____ room addition, at 8221 Valdosta, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2508 10-25-79