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Development Services

Mira Mesa Crest Card 1

MIRA MESA CREST CARD 1.tif........ MIRA MESA CRmT Lot 1- Permit to Pardee Construction Company to erect one 3' x 5' x unlighted, dir. sign advert. "Three Season Subdivision" loc. approx. of subj. property for a period of one year. At 10702 Westonhill Dr. Blvd. and New Salem St. Zone R-2 Cond 11 {1lq:,ti- t/,'--?'QC-11834 9' high, single-faced one-half mile south betwn. Mira Mllsa 4-4-73 Lot 13- Permit to Pardee Construction Company to erect 3 ground identification signs & 2 wal I 1.0. signs resulting in total si-gn area of approx 35 sq. ft. where max 20 sq. ft. is perm & where only I free-standing sign is perm on the premises facing or adjacent to each st frontage at 10802- 10898 Camino Ruiz, Zone R-2A. Cl3,830 NH 8-9-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 5- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to (I) erect a model home compound and free- standing 8'xl2' sign. overall height 20', for a period of one year; (2) to erect approx 2300' of 6' high block wall to obs O' sb on Westmore Road and Westonhill Drive. Property located north of Westmore Road betw Camino Ruiz and Westonhill Drive. R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-14371 NH. 6-23-77 ..f~.:..,_.__,,4- "'7-/-1/6'{''!-~,s-'--/V-------~---------------------------'t.~1~.:fs._J.:-_l.._g.9_Ll:L\.-J~-----------------------