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Mira Mesa North #1 Card 1

MIRA MESA NORTH #1 CARD 1.tif MIRA MESA NORTH #1 1n 17 Lot 101- Permit to Daniel & Debbie Taylor to main approx 70' of solid wood fence 6 1 hi obs O' st sideyard on Travis Pl where max 3' hi fence is perm in req 10' st sfdeyd, 8425 Travis Ct, Zone R-1-5, cond'I C-13374 N.H. 10-30-75 Lot 98- Permit to D~ane & Patricia Peel to main 105' of 6 1 hi wood fence obs 0 1 st sideyd where 3' hi fence is perm wJl51-n lof prop, 1 ine inrearyd where it invned adjoins frontyd of adjoining lot & within req lO' street sideyd DENIED as requested but APPROVED in accordance with Exb A, 8449 Travis Ct., Zone R-1-5, Cond'I. Lot 98- Duane T & Patricia J Peel exist sing fam dwel, addns obs 17' Ct, Zone R.;l-5. C-13404 N.H. 11-14-75 to constr den & bathrm addn & 2 bedrm extension to rear yd at closest point where 20 1 req, at 8449 Travis C-13974 NH 11-3-76 Lot 14- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Clyde L. Van Winkle to const a room addn on exs sfd (17'x23') res in coverage of 43% at 8356 Menkar Road. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-14592 NH. 8-19-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 113- Permit to Kenneth and Elko Toma Reuer to const a 15.5' x 20' addn to an exs sfd; addn to obs a 16.5' rear yard at 8353 Menkar Road. Conditions. C-15095 NH. 4-17-78. (310 sq. ft.) fam rm Zone R-1-5.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 83- Permit to Jerry R. & Diane L. BOIDE APPROVED by ZA, for construction of 12 1 X 16 1 addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 17' rear yard where 20' is required, at 11320 Kelowna Road, Zone R-1-5. Condition. CASE NO. 16416 NH 10-15-79