Mira Mesa Verde # 17
MIRA MESA VERDE # 17.tif MIRA MESA VERDE #17 OfJ70'/8-S Lot 2975- 9ENIED- Permit to Michael Elliot to constr a 14 1 x 22 1 2nd garage. Both floors to obs a 12 1 front yd where 15 1 is req., at 10836 Zone R-1-5. CONDITJONS C-13,749 NH story addn above Parkdale Ave., 7-23-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2873- Permit to Michael James & Paulette Ann Sinnott to canst J8 1xl8 1 rm addn to exs sfd. Addn to obs a 14 1 rear yard (fireplace to obs 13' rear yard) at 10876 Sandy Hook Road. Zone R-1-5. C-14982. 4-3-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2722- Permit to Herman and Corne! ia Gasaway to addn to an exs sfd; addn to obs a 13 1 411 rear yard. Condition. C-15631. 12-14-78. canst a l9'x14.75' recreation room 7834 Burlington Way. Zone R-1-5.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2722 (corrected Res.) DENIED as requested but APPROVED 16' rear yd for Herman & Cornelia Gasaway at 7834 Burlington Way, zone R-1-5 (see above) C-15631 12/29/78-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2625- Permit to Daniel & Ramona Stahl at 7848 Alcamo Rd., Zone R-1-5, to constr 14' x 4l'l011 bedroom and fam rm addn to exst SFD, addn to obs 17 1 rear yd. Condit! C-16200 7/10/79----------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------Lot 2673- AGREEMENT to PIETRO AND MARIA VITALE to install a bar sink in a family room addition, at 7741 Bendigo Road, Zone R-1-5. AGREl-iR~NT #2687 7-31-81