Mira Mesa Verde # 21
MIRA MESA VERDE # 21.tif MIRA MESA VERDE 1f21 C0775j-S ~ot 4221- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to erect 44' of 6' high block wall to obs O' street side yard on Camino Ruiz where 3' high max is perm in a 10' street side yard and 15' street side yard within rear 20' when rear yard of lot adjoins interior side yard of adjoining premises, on Flanders Drive between Camino Ruiz and Ahern Ct., Zone R-1-5- Cond'l. c-12,464 N.H. 2-20-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4238- Permit ot Frank J & Miwako Desiderio to const 14' x 26' den addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 13' rearyd where 20' req, 10357 Baccus Ct, Zone R-1-S, cond'I c-13533 3-12-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------