Mira Mesa Verde # 3 Card 1
MIRA MESA VERDE # 3 CARD 1.tif '. ooc..'f,._.--f)O 5-. ./4 ~ 9'-1.:r-;,s(?-~ s- 76'A:~ If I fy_,-{.-fv~ 1op-3)~o(JD-,;z.tf_7 #l 2.70-11~"7 4-''i~~ IC)-.le.-i1(10.;i,4-F!D). """;-ff:... ~, r l ~ ~-,, MIRA MESA VEBDE #3 Lots 127-134 & Mira Mesa Verde /12., Lots 121-124- Permit to Pardee Constr co to (1) constr sales office & 7 model bomes on Lot~ 127-134, parking lot on Lots 121=124 & sign on Lot 115 for sale of bomes in Mira ~a Verde development otber tban Units 2 &3 wbere such uses are perm only for sale of homf!s in same subd & (2) erect 30' of 61 hi solid wood fence on Lots 127 & 134 obs O' front yd wbere max 3' fence is perm in req 15' fron-1:yd on Stanwell Circle j Staqwell Ct, lily of Stanwell St, Zone R-l-5, condl ff 4