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Mira Mesa Verde # 3 Card 2

MIRA MESA VERDE # 3 CARD 2.tif--~-,. MIRA MESA VERDE #3 OOC..Llc,t,-oo s '2-70-,,. Z. 7 CARD 12- Lot 143- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to maintain approx- 70' of a 5 1 611 high solid fence obs O' street sideyard, wbere a max 3' high fence is perm, on Stanwell St and Reagan Road intersec, in the R-1-5 Zone. C-11035 N.H. 1-13-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 211- Permtt to Paul A & Sally Loraso to const I~ x 15'6" den addn to exist sin fam L obs 17' rearyd at clst pt where 20' req, 86"05 Bennl119ton S-t.;;Zone R-1-5., cond'I C-13608 N.H.,, 4-13-76 Lot 212- Permit to Diana M & William P. McColl to constr 424 sq. ft. rec rm addn to exist SFD, obs 13' rear yd where 20' is req at 8613 Bennington St, Zone R-1-5. CONDITION C-13,824 9-8-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 175- Permit to Kee K. and Ho Ching Ming to (1) const a two story addn to exs sfd; addn to obs an 8 1 side yard; (2) to main exs structure obs 8 1 side yd at 8606 Hillery Drive. R-1-5. Condition. C-14698. ll-2-77-6'z,,f~4' z/1::..,, oC--c~- /,~-jo-77 Lot 176- Permit to John D. Little & Dorothy M. Little to constr a 16' x 25' family rm add to exist sin fam dwell; add to observe at closest pt 16 1 811 rearyd, at 8605 Hillery Dr., zone R-1-5. Condit. c-15783 1/30/79