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Mira Mesa Verde # 9 Card 1

MIRA MESA VERDE # 9 CARD 1.tif ~-~- MlM MESA VERDE fz oo~,-,-oo s CARD #I Ltf. Lot 708- Asst z.A. considered appl of J. Vernon & Jeanene Cook to erect approx 46' of solid wood fence, 5' ni obs a 5' SB on westonhill Dr. where a max 3' hi tence is perm within a 10' street sid'e yd at 8749 Flanders Dr. at the SW cor of its intersection with Westonhill Dr. in the R-1-5 zone & has DENIED as req but APPROVED fence obs a 6 1 street sideyd, condl c-9865 NH 5-1~10 Lot 709- Permit to Pnilip E. & Wanda L. Nist to erect 52'8" of 5' hi solid wood fe;~e obs 6 1 street side yd on Westonnill Dr. wnere max 3' fence is perm in req 10' street side yd at 8750 Hebrides Dr. NW cor Westonhill Dr. & Hebrides Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9899 N.H. 5-25-70 Lot 681- Z.A. nae considered tne request of William and Mary King to erect approx 30 1 of 6 1 ni solid wood fence obs 2' street side yard where max 3' fence is perm is req 10' street side yd. at 8545 Flanders Dr betw San Ramon Dr and Barollll Lane; Zone R-1-5 and nas DENIED tne request. c-10325N.H. 2-9-n Lot 512- Permit to Donald and Carol Kramer to erect approx 79' of solid wood fence 5 1 high, obs O' street side yard on Frobisher Circle where a max 3' nigh fence is perm in a 10' street side yard; at 8657 Frobisher St, SE cor Frobisher St and Frobisher Circle, Zone R-1-5. C-10493 N.H. 5-4-n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Lot 593- DENIED permit to D. Kent Threlkeld to erect approx 70' of 5' high solid wood fence obs O' side yrd on Ivory Coast Dr. where max 3' high fence is perm in req 10' st. side yrd, at 8368 Ivory Coast Dr. btwn Reagan Rd. and San Ramon Dr., Zone R-1-5 C-10769 N.H. 9-2-71