Mira Mesa Village #1 Card 1
MIRA MESA VILLAGE #1 CARD 1.tif HIM f!IM VtLLACE UNIT #1 Portion of Lot I- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MIRA CENTER, owner; QENNY'S,INC., purchaser, to construct a 4,625 sq. ft. fast food restaurant providing 24 off-street parking spaces where 24 spaces are required, but access to parking from adjoining ptcel where access must be directly from a public street or alley, located at the northeast corner of Mira Mesa Boulevard, and (1-15, Zon CA. Conditions. C-17696 7-30-82 (ALSO SEE PORTION OF SECTION 32 1 Tl4S, R2W, SBBM) Parcel 1 of Parcel Map #8012, Lot 1- Permit was considered by ZA to MIRA CENTER. (WILLIS E. SHORT II), owner, JACK MOREHEAD, lessee, to operate a temporary business as a fruit and vegetable stand for a period of si~ months; (1) sales and display not conducted entirely within an enclosed building or screened''from view; (Z} off-stre~t parking not improved; and (3) without required landscaping where all busi~"sses must be conducted entirely in- side an enclosed building; required off.;street parking must be improved and the perimeter of the lot must be landscaped, located at 9898 Mira Mesa Boulevard, Zone CA/CO. DECISION DENIED as requested, but APPROVED operation of a temporary business as a fruit and vegetable stand with hours of operation from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, for a period of two months with the possibil.ity of an extension up to a maximum of six months. Conditions. C-18030 5-27-83