Mira Mesa Village #1 Card 2
MIRA MESA VILLAGE #1 CARD 2.tif;,. ,.. MIRA MESA VILLAGE UNIT #1 Portion of Lot I- Permit to MIRA CENTER PARTNERSHIP, owner; DENNY'S RESTAURANT, lessee, to erect a 173 sq. ft. freeway-oriented ground sign, overall height 50', where wall signs only are permitted, located at northeast corner of Mira Mesa Boulevard and 1-15 (9800 block Mira Mesa Boulevar~, Zone CO. DECISION; APPLICANT HAS RESOLVED THE PROBLEM THROUGH ZONE BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT. SIGN REQUESTED BY VARIANCE WOULD NOW BE A PERMITTED USE- VARIANCE IS NO LONGER NECESSARY. C-17961 NOT NECESSARY Lot I- Sign Code Administrator- APPROVED request of D & D DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. to maintain a 128 sq. ft., 18' high temporary real estate sign on lot where access rights have been waived with the exception of approximately 43' where 501 1 of street frontage is required for a 128 sq. ft. sign at the NE corner of 1-15 & Mira Mesa Boulevard, Zone CA, with conds. C-19200 5/23/86--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1 (Parcel 2 of P.M. 1329)- ZA approved request of D & D DEVELOPMENT CO. to locate a satellite antenna on the roof of a 4-story hotel located on the no. side of Mira Mesa Blvd., east of Mira Mesa Blvd. (9880 Mira Mesa Blvd.) in the CA zone. C-19683 9/1/87----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------