Mirador #1 Card 4
MIRADOR #1 CARD 4.tif MIRADOR #1 Lot 193 a 12'xl9' to res in 12-14-77- Permit to Jackie Lee and Paula Jean Cline to main a 12'x20' fam rm and two-story bedrm addo to exs sfd; fam rm and addn to obs a 19' rear yd, approx 41% coverage. 11042 Avenida Del Gato. Zone R-1-5. Condition. to const new addn C-14836 NH. Lot 22- Permit to George E. Moore at 8267 Calle Calzada, Zone R-1-5 to constr rec rm addn to exst SFD; addn to obs 12'4" rear yard. Condit. C-16005 6/12/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l- Permit was considered by AZA to WILLIAM MARK & SANDRA LEE SEGARS to erect approx- imately 31' of 9 1 high masonry wall and 29' of 6 1 high masonry wall observing O' street side yard on Camino Ruiz where maximum 3' high is permitted within 50' of Hydra Lane, and 6 1 high is permitted behind that 50 1 in the 10' street side yard, at 8344 Hydra Lane, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED replacing 60 1 of the 5' high solid fence with a 6 1 high solid wall, observing 0' street side yard on Camino Ruiz. Conditionf. C-17208 NH 6-10-81