Mirador #2 Card 2
MIRADOR #2 CARD 2.tif HIAA'DOI\ #2 CARD #2. Lot 376- Z.A. cons req of Adelbert M. & Ruby B. Liddle to (I) erect 78 1 of 6 1 hi solid fencing obs 0' St side yd along Calle Dario where max 3 1 hi fence is perm in req 10 1 St side yd & (2) constr 20 1 x 22' covered patio addn to exist single fam dwell obs at closest point ~t211 St side yd along Calle Dario where 10 1 St side yd is req at 11164 Zapata Dr betw Calle 9ario16 Terer Pl Zone R-1-5 & has DENIED (I) as req but APPROVED 5 1 hi fence obs 5' setback from the P.L. (2) DENIED. CONDL, C-11269 6-13-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 376- Appealed- Appeal DENIED and the decision of the z.A. b~,,and hereby is modified in that perm shall be granted for erection of a 6 1 hi fence, including the 12' wide gate, obs 5' street side yard along Calle Dario. c-11269 6-29-72 Lot 365- Permit to Melvin & Wanda Palmer to maintain 5' wood fence obs O' SB where 10' SB is req in the street side yard, at 11194 Zapata Ave betw Calle Dario & Teresa Dr. Zone R-1~5 Cond'l. c-11550N.H. 9-26-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 310- Tlle Assist Z.A. has considered the req of Carl & Anna Benavidez to erect approx 40' of solid block ret uall 4' high obs l' SB on Zapata where 15' is req when rear prop line abuts front yard o~ property to the south, and to erect approx 40' of wood fence 4' hi approx 811 inside ret wall on Zapata where 15' is req when rear prop line abuts front yard of prop to the south, at 11304 Trebol St betw Zapata Ave and Calle Jalapa, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED a max 3 18 11 high masonry ret wall with 3' high open fence above obs O' street side yard on Zapata Ave. Cond'l. C-11768 N.H. 1-16-73-----------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------