Mirador #2 Card 3
MIRADOR #2 CARD 3.tif--.,..i,--~- MIRADOR #g cARD ~ a Lot 402- Permit to Glenn E. & Gwendolyn Beardmore to constr 212 sq. ft. patio for exist sin faro dwell; patio addn to result in 44i cov where 40% is perm, at 11265 Avenida ~l Gato, betw Zapata Ave. and Los Sabalos, Zone R-1-5. c-11896 N.H. 3-30-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 310- The z.A. has considered the appl of Carl & Anna Benavidez for perm to erect 66 1 of solid wood fence, 6 1 high, inside ret wall obs a 2' street sideyard on Zapata Ave.,where a max 3' high fence is perm in a req 10' street sideyard and a 15' street sideyard within 2C rear yard when prop adjoins front yard of adj premises, at 11304 Trebol St. at the SW car of its intersection with Zapata Ave., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the application as req but APPROVED constr of approx 75' of 5' high solid fence above the exist ret wall, encroaching into the req 15' SB, Cond'l. C-12117 N.H. 8-1-73 Appealed- Appeal DENIED as submitted but modified (9-10-73) Appealed to Council- Appeal GRANTED {10-9-73),-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Lot 326-:Permit to John & Sandra White to constr a 16 1 x 20' apen patio addn to exist sin faro dwell; addn to obs all yards but results in 43i lot cov where 40% max is perm at 11239 Calle Jalapa betw Zapata Ave. Zone R-1-5. C-12493 N.H. Lot 309- Permit to Robert & Julia Luther to maintain a block and wrought iron fence 151' long and ranging in ht from 3' to 4' obs O' front and street side yard where a max 3' high fence is perm at 11260 Zapata Ave. betw Trebol St. and Surco Dr. Zone R-1-5. C-12621 N.H. 5_10_74----------------------------------------------------------------------