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Development Services

Miralani Business Park#1 Map 19503

MIRALANI BUSINESS PARK#1 MAP 19503.tif tUR:ALANI BUSINESS PARK UNIT NO. l, Map No. 9503 coq50, S Lot 17- ZA DENIED request of BEATY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to erect a 5' high, approx. 43 sq. ft. monument (ground) sign observing a 13' front yard where 25 1 is required at 8665-8675-8685 Miralani Orive, Zone M-1B. C-19202 5/23/86----------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 24, VARIANCE was denied by H.O., JOHN B. W. LETT & BOW JEAN WONG requested to enclose an existing 1, 760 sq. ft. concrete dock/loading area,, observing a 4 1 interior side yard where.a 19'-11" required interior side yard is required at 8330 Arjons Drive, MlB zone - C-21524 The above decision was appealed by JOHN LETT & BOW JEAN WONG, OWNERS, to the BZA. The BZA sustained the H.O.'s decision to deny the request. C-21524 3-25-98 The decision of the BZA was appealed by JOHN LETT & BOW JEAN WONG to City Council. The City Council overruled the decision of the BZA and approved the request. C-21524 6-16-98