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Development Services

Miramar Place Tract # 1

MIRAMAR PLACE TRACT # 1.tif MIRAMAR PLACE TRACT UNIT 1 ooqq.5t,,-S Lot'4- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone Permit to EMPIRE WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., OWNER, & DAILY DISPOSAL SERVICE, PERMITTEE, to construct,, operate, and maintain four existing storage and maintenance buildings totaling 38,368 sq.ft.~ and three new bldgs. (office and maintenance) totaling 26,688 sq.ft. on a 11.1 acre site located just north of Miramar Road on the east side of Miramar Place; Map 9936 and Parcel 1 of Map 6833 and Parcel 4 of Map 7790. CPIOZP #88-0091 5-20-88