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Development Services

Miramar Point Industrial Park #2 Card 1

MIRAMAR POINT INDUSTRIAL PARK #2 CARD 1.tif s 81 CARD #1 Tentative Subdivision #79-280- AGREEMENT AND CONSENT TO JUDGMENT to LNC/Gentry, a California General Partnership, t9f> roceed with the development of said subdivision into an industrial park and to begin construction of 12 model buildings to attract the public and demonstrate the nature and quality of the buildings which will be for sale in the park. A/C- 144 3-12-81 Lot I- Permit APPROVED by A2A to PACIFIC TELEPHONE to/for erection of 265 1 of 15 1 high retaining wall where maximum 10' high is permitted, at southeast corner of Trade Street and Camino Santa Fe, Zone M-1B. Conditions. C-17413 NH 9-17-81 Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by ZA to THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY to construct a 67' X 149' cogeneratlon building on lot with computer records center building; cogeneratl~ building to observe a 10 1 side yard on the south where 25 1 is required, at 7337 Trade Street, Zone M-1B (HR). Conditions. C-17721 8-27-82