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Development Services

Miramar Point Industrial Park #2 Card 2

MIRAMAR POINT INDUSTRIAL PARK #2 CARD 2.tif MIRAMAR POINT INOUSTRIAL PARK UNIT #2 MCJt.t)55 S...!Ff- CARO I, 2 Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by AZA to PACIFIC TELEPHONE for erection of 265 1 of 15 1 high retaining wall where maximum 10 1 high is permitted, at southeast corner Trade Street and Camino Santa Fe, Zone M-1B. Conditions. C-17413 NH 9-17-81 Lot 2- Permit GRANTED to LNC/GENTRY, a General Partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Industrial Development located on the north side of Trade Street, east of Camino Santa Fe, Zone M-1B. PID #40-012-1 1-25-82 Lot 4- Permit DENIED by ZA to PACIFIC POINTE GROUP to construct a two-story commercial building with portion of the building observing a 21 1-011 front yard where 25'-0" front yard is required, located at 9036 Camino Santa Fe, Zone M-1B. C-18480 NH 7-30-84 Lot 1- ZA DENIED request of KLH MIRAMAR ASSOC., A CALIF, GENERAL PARTNERSHIP- to erect 120 sq. ft. ground sign observing a 10' front yd where max. JOO sq. ft. sign observing 25' front yd is permitted at 9200 block of Trade Place, Zone M-1B (HR). C-18857 7/19/85