Miramar Ridge Card 1
MIRAMAR RIDGE CARD 1.tif..--4'1 MIRAMAR RIDGE Card #1 Lot 16- Permit DENIED by ZA to TRIPLE L DISTRIBUTING COMPANY to construct a 7,231 sq. ft. industrial building to observe a 0' interior side yard where 16 1 is required (10"/o of the width of the lot), located at 8547 Miramar Place, Zone M-1-B (HR). C-18008 5-13-83 Portion of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14- Permit GRANTED to VINCE MURPHY AND JIM RISHER, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a PIO which consists of two warehouse operations with limited assembly on 0-lot-line development between buildings located on the north side of Miramar Place between Carroll Canyon Road and Miramar Road, Zone M-1B. PIO #83-0354 7-6-83 Lot 12- G.J. Kaiser, John L. Stephan, owner; Q::ean Beach Transfer & Storage, lessee- to mstall landscaping to enclose outside storage area where a 6'-0" high fence is required- 8616 Mirarrar Place, ZOne M-1B. Denied as requested; but Approved utilization of landscaping to enclose outdoor stoarage along rear yard. Conditions. C-19347 11/3/86-------------------------------------------------