Mirmar 805 Project Card 1
MIRMAR 805 PROJECT CARD 1.tif----.,-.-:~_;-...-.:.;__ ~;,-..,.~:,.. ~ MIRAMAR 805 PROJECT CARD #I Lot 12- Permit DENIED by ZA to FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CO. to construct a corm1ercial building observing 21 1 interior side yard where 25 1 is required, at 6200 block of Autoport Mall between Eastgate Mall and Miramar Road, Zone M-18. C-17264 NH 6-1-81 Lot I- Permit GRANTED to EASTGATE MIRAMAR ASSOCIATES, a 'to construct and operate an automob i I e service faci I i ty, ~iramar Road and Eastgate Mall, Zone A-1-10.!EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 7-24-82 (10-6-81) (See ALSO SECTION 10 1 T15S 1 R3W, SBBM) limited partnership, owner/permittee, located on the northeast corner of CUP 587-PC 2-25-80 4ot line adjustm~nt of Lots 2, 3, & 16- SIGN CODE Administrator APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Viking Freight System, Inc, to use existing 162 sq. ft. freestanding wall (6'0" x 27'0") as a ground identification sign where maximum 150 sq. ft, is allowed; and sign to observe a 61 011 front yard where 25 10" is required, located at 5550 Eastgate Mall, M-lB zone. C-20051 09-16-88