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Development Services

Mirmar Land Commercial Center #1 Map 6361

MIRMAR LAND COMMERCIAL CENTER #1 MAP 6361.tif..... ........ '... MIRAMAR LAND COMM.LCENTER #1 Map 6361 tot l- Z.A. considered app~ of Union Bank, own & Harker Development Corp to constru a serv sta witn (1) canopy (circular) obs a 22' SB wnere 25' is req; (2) one free-standing dbld-faced, interior illuminated, 12' x 6 1 rotating ID sign, overall nt, 28', pole obs 12' SB on Miramar Rd. & 15' on Kearny Mesa Rd; sign will project approx 6 1 into req 10' planting strip; (3) 3 iite standards encroaching; (a) 3' into req 10' planting strip; (b) & (c) 2' into reg 10' planting strip (4) one 4' x 5' price sign encro 9' into 10' planting strip at the NW cor of Miramar Rd. & Kearny Mesa Rd., in the M-lA zone and has made the following decisions: tI!:X:ll'DlK!lll:ll:lOCl~~~~ (1) 1QJi Approved a circular canopy to obs a 17' SB where 25' is req (2) approved 1 free-standing, dble- faced, interor illuminated, 12' x 6 1 rotating ID sign overall ht 28' pole obs a 14' SB on Miramar Rd. where a 25' SB is req & to obs a 11' SB on Kearny Mesa Rd. wnere a 15' SB is req with the edge of tne sign extending over req yds & landscape area; (3) approve area lighters obs a 10' SB on Miramar Rd. wnere 25' is req and obs a 9' SB on Kearny Mesa Rd. where a 15' is req & encro l' into req 10' landscape area; (4) deny price sign encrointo req yds or landscape area condl C-9322 6-16-69