Mission Bay Park Tract Block 18
MISSION BAY PARK TRACT BLOCK 18.tif MISSION BAY PARK TRACT 'J BLOCK 18 00/12/) S Lot 5- Permit DENIED to Fanny B. Worth to maintain 6 1 hi fence in SB area at 2635 Magnolia Ave. Res. 9287 11-9-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12- Permit DENIED to Philip R. & Cecelia C. Tarr to constr 5 apts & garage w/59'fo coverage (5oi permitted) on W side Bond betw Magnolia & Hornblend Sts; R-4. Case 534 6-18-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Agreement to Charles and Darlene Maggiani to const fam rm addn with bar sink to exs sfd at 2635 Magnolia Avenue. Zone R-2A. AGREEMENT# 2300. 9-9-77.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Westerly 45 1 of Lot 14- ZA APPROVED Yard Variance request of MARLENE RUTH MAIO to (1) construct a~ addition to a single-family dwelling obs. a 4' rear yard where 15 1 is requried (existing dwelling observes a 4 1 rear yard); and (2) maintain a 6 1 high solid fence within the 20 1 required front yard where a max. 3 1 high solid fence is permitted, located at 2686 Hornblend Street, R-1500 Zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation zone, Pacific Beach Planning Area. Conditions. C-21049 12/11/92------------------------------------------