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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 10 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 10 CARD 2.tif....-,.;,,, ,. f Ml'SS I ON BEACH BLOCK 10 Lot G- Permit to Gladys & Orlan L. Bradley to erect Rey, E. of Mission Blvd., with 56,6% cov. CARO #2.7 a duplex on the S. side of San Luis Res.#2055 2-14-47,'l:;Lot Q- Permit to Pauline C. Moore to build apt over exist gar & add to gar 55% cov & 10' rearyd, 812 Allerton Ct. Res.#4068 8-10-49 Lot A- Permit to Laurence D. Hull to maintain res with stairway obs. 12 1 SB (15' req) on San Luis Rey Pl. betw Nission Blvd. & Bayside Lane. Case#l422 8-28-57 Lot P- Permit to Frank E. Richardson to const liv unit above exist gar having 0' sideyd & *10 1 rearyp, the unit to obs yd req., making 3 units with 56-'/o cov at 816 Allerton Ct., R-2. Case#l435 9-27-57 Lot M- Permit to Ivor DeKirby to const add unit to exist res, making 2 units on lot, 10'-j(-rearyd (15' req) 55% cov (40"/o perm) 826 Allerton Ct. Zone R-2. Case#2145 11-24-58 Lot E- Permit to Don J. & LaMoine McMath to add gar & bedrm to exist sin fam res & add apt a above, covering 56% of lot (40% perm) 817 San Luis Rey Pl., R-2 zone. Case#2806 9-11-59 Lots I, J & K- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm G. Winn to const a triplex making a total of 4!iv units, at 2685 Nission Blvd., Zone R-2. Case#2092 10-22-58