Mission Beach Block 100 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 100 CARD 3.tif M,l~;7;~ricK" BLOCK 100 CARD #J\}{' lot L..,, Permit.ta F. Lisle Morgan to constr a 1271 sq. ft. laundry bldg to (1) obs a 9';a. interior side yd where 10' is req adjacent to res zoned property; (2) provide 6 parking spaces 3 of which will be 7 1-611 wide where 8 1-611 is req; (3) provide req landscaping but portion on Mission Blvd., to be 2'-11" deep where 5' is req, landscaping on Island ct to..,con- tain 30% decorative paving & on Mission Blvd. to contain 52% decorative paving where max 25% is perm & (4) to eliminate portion of req 6 1 hi fence adjacent to residentially zoned property, at 3232 Mission Blvd, Zone CN (CONDITIONS) C-13,793 8-16-76 Lot V- Permit to Marvin L. & Eileen W. Gudmundson to const two-unit apt building to obs: (l) 2' setback for ground floor with second and third floors obs O' setback; (2) 5' interior side yard; (3) 10 1 from center line of alley for second and third floors, but with a minimum of 13' for the ground floor; (4) 2' landscaping strip; (5} 31% landscaping on Island Court as Jong as the entire front yard is landscaped and/or provided with decks ar;t~!:,n,2~z::__ ~2j~]?: