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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 104 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 104 CARD 1.tif Ml SS I ON BEACH Lot B- Permit to Marie G. Cooke to erect a res exceeding Jamaica Ct. Zone R-4. CARD# 1--~b lot cov by 92 sq. ft. 838 Res.#64126 3-10-36 "-. Lot E- Permit to C.F. Cline to build a res & duplex, making 3 units on lot on Jamaica Ct. with a 3' ct. for access to st. Res.#1505 4-25-46 Lots J & K- Permit to Mr. & Mrs, Lloyd C. Harbin to const I unit dwell 809 Jamaica Ct., '-.making 7 units on par, with 5' access to st. & 7' access to paved alley. Res.#3799 4-6-49 Lot I- Permit to Orval Clark to const gar with apt above, making 52% cov (50% perm) at 815 Jamaica Ct., R-4. Case#411 4-25-56 Lot H- Permit to L.E, Goodman to cover lt 52%, on 11616 Jamaica Ct. betw Mission Blvd. & Bayside Lane, R-4, cond'I. Case#528 6-29-56-----------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------, Lots J & K- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Theodor~ C. Mattfield to a const 7'3" cross walk from exist apt to exist sundeck on top of gar located on par with 7 dwells served by 5' access ct. to st & 7' access to paved alley perm by Variance Res.#3799, where 10 1 accesss ct. is req; 2 exist units obs 3' sideyd where 4 1 is BJ: req, at 811 Jamaica Ct., A Zone R-4. Case#4978 6-7-62