Mission Beach Block 105 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 105 CARD 2.tif ~ISSION 'BEACH BLOCK 102 Card No. 2.,,i} Lot D- Permit to John Richardson & E.M. Sims to (Case No. 8o63) const 4-story, 3-uniE apt complex to obs 12' front yd on Bayside Lane where 15' is req; 4 1 911 st side yd where 6 1 is req; and 4'9" side yd where 6 1 side yd is req; and (c-8o64) obs 8 1 setback on "'-Bayside Walk where 10' is estab; at corner of Bayside Lane & Isthmus Ct, Zone R-4. Cases No. 8o63 (N.H.) & 8o64 (N.H.) 3-15-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tot D- Permit to Charles G. Kerch to constr 3-story, five-unit apt to obs 12' front yd on Bayside Lane where 15' is req, 8 1 setback on Bayside Walk where 10' is estab; & provide 5 parking spaces obs 3' from curb line & 3' from PL on Bayside Lane, where no parking or '-parking area is perm within 18 1 of curb line but in no case perm within less than 3' of front PL (See C-8o63 & 8064); 3200 Blk of Bayside Lane, NE corner of Bayside Lane & Isthmus Ct, Zone R-4. Case No. 8599 4-11-68--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot A~- Permit to James & Patricia Gleason to conv exist dwell into 2 units prov four pkg spaces obs 0' frontyd on Bayside Lane where 15 1 req & ellmln req landscaping on Bayside Ln where no less than 40% of frontyd must be landscaped, 3266 Bayside Lane, Zone R-4, cond'I "'- C-13350 11-llt-75