Mission Beach Block 113
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 113.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK-113 Lot B- Permit to Angela M. Gregg to const 3316 Bayside Wk, but DENIED 65~ coverage. 6 mo ext 2-7-58 apt above tilt. l1 gar with 601! cover (5~ perm) at c-1367 8-23-57 Lot D- Permit to Dr. Albert Jumblatt to const 4 unit apt bldg, obs all yd req with bedrm & bath above gar, (obs l' sideydl at 3310 Bayside Wk, Zone R-4, condl C-2109 10-24-58 Lot C- Permit to Dr. Wm. B. & Sally York McMahon to const addn to 1st flr liv rm of exist 2 story duplex, addn approx 55~ coYer exist gar & apt above obs 1 1 4" sideyd & 2 liv units served by 4 1 1011 access ct (where 5~ cover is perm) & (#' sideyd & 10' access ct is req) on Bayside Wk. betw Jersey Ct. & Santa Barbara Pl., Zone R-4. c-4134 6-9i.61 Lot D- AGREEMENT #1004 to Albert Jumblatt to constr a 4 unit apt obs all yd req, making a total of 4 liv units with bedrm & bath above gar on the property; the rooms above the gar al' side yd where 4 1 is req. See C-2109, A-1004 11-7-58----------------------------------------#--------------------------------------------- Lot D- Permit to Dr. Albert Jumblatt to~const of a 4 unit apt bldg while variance is in process on a non-conforming bldg on above-described prpperty. A-1000 9-18-58