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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 116

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 116.tif MISSION BEACI{BLOCK 116 Lot D- Permit to Jeanette Reid Gaylord to erect 3 units on parcel of land 30 1 x 8o; Kennebeck Ct approx 90' W of Mission Blvd; w/3' court to Kennebeck Ct. Res. No. 1768 9-26-46----.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot L- 'lhe Asst. z.A. has considered the request of G.F. Construction Co., to (1) constr. J a three-story duplex obs a 31 inter side yrd on both sides where 7' is req; (2) provide three off-street parking spaces at the rear with one space having an 181 aisle where 21' is req; and (3) to result in 51.5~ coverage where 5oi isperm, 700 Block of Jersey Ct, betwn Strandway and Mission Blvd., Zone R-4, has made the following decision: (1) DENIED as submitted but APPROVED 4 1 side yrd; (2) approved; (3) denied;- Cond'l. () C-11 701 5-4-73 Appealed to BZA- appeal DENIED 7-9-73 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot fl- permit to Bruce R & Glenn L. Hoegh to constr 2-story, sing-fam dwel on lot with 1';exist sing-fam dwel: (I) obs at closest point 14' frnt yd (15' req); (2) provide 3 parking spaces, I in tandem; (3) obs 3' int side yds (4' req)(existing obs 3' int side yds); (4) result in 58% cov (50% perm), at 719 Kennebeck Ct, Zone R-4- Cond.- C-15445 11/1/78 Lot K- ZA DENIED request of DENNIS L. COSTELLO & CHUCK DOWDY to constr. 13' hi stair observing a 0'2" interior side yd where a 3 1 interior side yd is reqd at 722 Jersey Court, Zone R-2. C-18809 5/31/85---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------